Ijaya The Series


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Aare, with his lanky frame and a mop of untamed black hair that defies gravity in a perpetual windstorm, stood at the precipice of teenagehood. Orphaned at a young age, the streets of Akamara had been his classroom, leaving a map of faded scars etched across his olive skin. Yet, beneath the playful exterior, a quiet strength simmered in his amber eyes that held a spark of defiance. A stubborn streak, a mile wide, ran through him, a testament to his will to survive and protect the younger children he looked after at the orphanage.

Despite the weight of his past, Aare possessed an infectious joy. When not burdened by responsibility, his laughter could crackle like summer lightning, his smile as bright as the midday sun. He found solace in the ancient art of Gidigbo, his nimble fingers weaving intricate stories of forgotten heroes and legendary battles into ankara designs. His creations were more than just art; they were testaments to a deep yearning for a world steeped in forgotten magic, a yearning that resonated within his very soul.


Bori cuts an imposing figure. At 22 and a towering 6’6″, he’s a man of action with a mind for business. A graduate of the prestigious University of Akamara, Bori hails from a wealthy traditional family and stands to inherit a vast legacy. Philanthropy came naturally to him from a young age, as did athleticism and mastery of the ancient art of Gidigbo. This prodigy isn’t just a warrior; he’s a titan of industry, chairing Kakanfo Investments, a holding company that oversees giants in manufacturing and agro-economic sectors.

However, beneath the veneer of success lies a deeper calling. Bori carries the bloodline of Kakanfo Ochosi, the legendary master of bow and arrow. His family has been the secret guardians of the Gates of Ela for generations, a responsibility he takes very seriously. Whenever he ventures into the wilds, Bori isn’t alone. Large birds, wolves, and even wild dogs seem to gravitate towards him, forming a formidable pack that embodies his connection to nature.


Laja’s laughter is a force of nature, echoing through the streets like a joyous symphony. This 19-year-old is a master of making the most of any situation, his playful spirit a beacon of light in even the toughest circumstances. As the only son of a single mother who works tirelessly to support his dreams, Laja carries a deep respect and love for his family. He juggles his studies with his true passion – basketball – his unwavering determination to succeed fueling his every move.

Standing tall at 6’7″, Laja has a naturally imposing stature, accentuated by his broad shoulders and sturdy build. While his physique might seem intimidating at first glance, a closer look reveals a heart brimming with warmth. Little do most know, Laja is not just a talented athlete; he possesses the power of the Iron God, Ogou, the Irunmole of war, strategy, and metalworking. This ancient lineage slumbers within him, waiting to be awakened.


Yeni, a firecracker of a girl at 17, embodies the spirit of a warrior. A freshman at the prestigious University of Akamara, she carries the torch of her family’s legacy – a lineage of champions forged in the crucible of Gidigbo combat. Her father and two older brothers, both national and local champions themselves, instilled in her a fierce love for the art form. Unlike most girls her age, Yeni thrives in the world of mixed Gidigbo combat. Training camps are her playgrounds, and daily practice is a sacred ritual. Within her lies the spirit of Omobe, the legendary Kakanfo known as the father of Gidigbo combat, a legacy that fuels her every move.


Sewa, with her beauty, is a sight to behold. Standing at 5’7″ with a graceful figure and long, flowing natural hair, she radiates a warmth that draws people in. However, her stunning looks are merely a canvas upon which a far greater kindness is painted. A 19-year-old nursing student at the University of Akamara, Sewa’s path is one of selfless service. Driven by an unwavering love for children and a deep connection to nature, she has chosen to specialise as a paediatric nurse, her heart set on bringing comfort and healing to those in need.

Sewa’s nurturing spirit extends beyond children. She possesses a deep respect for all living things, finding solace in the embrace of nature. Whispers of the wind carry secrets to her ears, and the creatures of the wild seem to hold a special connection to her gentle soul. Little do most know, but Sewa carries the power of Orun Ochun, the Orisha who embodies the very essence of femininity. This connection grants her abilities far exceeding those of a mere mortal.